Required Posting of OSHA Form 300A

Each year on February 1st, employers must post the OSHA form 300A Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illness which lists the total number of job-related injuries and illnesses the organization had over the prior year. The 300A is to be posted in locations where all employees can review it.

In order to prepare the 300A, the OSHA 300 Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses must first be complete and up to date. The 300 Log lists all work-related injuries and illnesses that resulted in death, loss of consciousness, days away from work, restricted work activity or job transfer, or medical treatment beyond first aid (additional information and criteria can be found at Using the information from the 300 Log, you can then complete your 300A.

Some important reminders about the 300A:

  • A copy must be posted at each separate organizational location
  • It must be posted where you normally post other employee notices
  • It must remain posted from February 1st to April 30th
  • It must be retained for 5 years following the calendar year to which it relates
  • It must be “Certified” (signed) by the top executive of your organization, stating that the information is correct and complete to the best of the employer’s knowledge

Even if you have no recordable losses, you still must post the summary with zeros in each column. The summary can also be used to provide your organization with an important benchmark regarding your safety record. Employers can compare their current OSHA summary with previous years to asses if their safety program is going in the right direction or if it needs improvement.

If you have questions about OSHA recordkeeping, contact your APEI Loss Control Manager, Cole Cummins at or 907-523-9470.