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Professional Boundaries for Educators

APEI is dedicated to helping Alaska’s school districts prevent child abuse. We have resources available for all Alaskan school districts to use to advance their abuse prevention programs.

To obtain any of the following resources, contact Carleen Mitchell at or at     907-523-9430.

Training for Staff and Administrators

  • Professional Boundaries for Alaskan School Staff: Training for all school staff about professional boundaries and how to prevent abuse.
  • Administrator’s Guide to Professional Boundaries: Training for Superintendents, principals, site administrators, and other school district leaders on how to build an effective abuse prevention program.

Training is available live in-person (APEI members only), via Zoom, or through on demand recordings.

Sample Informational Documents

  • School District Response Checklist for Reports of Possible Student Sexual Abuse or Assault: A guide for school district administrators to use when a report of a professional boundary violation or abuse is received.
  • List of Inappropriate Boundary Invasions: A list of examples of professional boundary violations to use as a guide with staff and assist in understanding professional boundaries.
  • Guidelines for Preventing Sexual Abuse Against Students: A guide to compliment professional boundaries training and reinforce what was taught.

Professional Boundaries Informational Video for Families

The Professional Boundaries for Families video is available for school districts to download and share with students’ parents and families to provide an overview of what professional boundaries are, how they protect students, what school district staff are taught about professional boundaries, and how to report any concerns.