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Loss Control Materials

APEI provides loss control assistance to its members. Each member receives copies of the APEI Loss Control Manual, which is updated annually.  Members that perform loss control activities, such as holding regular safety meetings, inspecting buildings, attending employee training programs, or taking courses through the TargetSolutions or SafeSchools online training program, earn credits that reduce insurance premiums.

To learn more about any of the following services, contact Cole Cummins. Downloadable loss control materials are also available to APEI members.

Loss Control Manual — The Loss Control Manual was created to aid our members in maintaining safe and healthful workplaces which helps reduce losses and lowers insurance costs. Download the manual here.

Loss Control Grants — Investment in safety equipment, training, and promotion helps raise the awareness of the importance of safety and its value to employees. APEI offers grants  to be applied to safety training or safety equipment. Click here to download the safety grant application.

Reasonable Suspicion of Drug and Alcohol Training  — This training meets the US Department of Transportation’s requirements for 60 minutes each of training on the symptoms of alcohol and abuse and controlled substance use. Please contact Cole Cummins at for access to this online training.

School Safety and Security  — Download the checklist to assist you in creating a safer school.

Loss Control Surveys — These are a valuable start in identifying and classifying risk to your operations. We can aid in designing these surveys and assist with conducting them.

Written Safety Programs — We can aid in creating, reviewing and revising these core work practice rules that enable an employer to design and maintain a safe work environment.

OSHA Compliance Assistance — Our staff is available to help you identify the OSHA standards applicable to your workplace and assist in development of an appropriate program to apply.

Ergonomic Control Programs — Nationally, ergonomic injuries account for over 60 percent of all employee injury cost. We can help you identify problem jobs and fashion responses to control the potential losses.

Consulting Services — We can work with you to design management responses to risk control issues. Our consulting services work toward integrating the plan and programs into your operational style.

Model Policies for Prevention of Sexual Abuse Against Students — APEI and the Association of Alaska School Boards (AASB) have developed model policies to help school districts prevent sexual abuse against students. These policies are comprehensive and clearly identify behaviors and corrective actions to assist you in your responsibilities of caring for students.